Now Accepting Applications for 2025-2026 grades PK4-12th grade.


I/We, the parents/guardians of the student named below, understand the nature of the trip being planned to:

Mellow Mushroom Franklin
317 Main Street Ste 100 - Franklin, TN

Friday, January 27, 2023
Time: 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Transportation: Walking
Cost: Free - $15 includes lunch. This will be charged via QuickSchools once your permission slip is received.

PERMISSION We understand that transportation will be provided by GCA.

We hereby grant permission for our son/daughter to participate. We understand that adequate and appropriate supervision will be provided. In the event of an injury requiring medical attention, I hereby grant permission to the supervising teacher(s) or staff (including volunteers) to attend to my son/daughter. If the injury warrants further medical attention, I expect every effort will be made to contact me to receive my specific authorization before action is taken. If efforts to contact me are unsuccessful, I grant permission for necessary medical treatment to be given. In addition, I hereby give my permission to the supervising teacher(s) or staff (including volunteers) to take my child to the physician, dentist, or to the hospital if an accident or serious illness occurs on the trip and I cannot be located. WAIVER We recognize, however, that unanticipated situations and problems can arise on any trip, school-sponsored or otherwise, which situations or problems are not reasonably within the control of the supervising teacher(s) or staff (including volunteers). We further agree to release and hold harmless Generations Church Inc (DBA Generations Christian Academy) and its directors, its agents, officers, employees, and volunteers, from any and all liability, claims, suits, demands, judgments, costs, interest and expense, (including attorneys’ fees and costs) arising from such activities, including any accident or injury to the student and the costs of medical services, or any cause beyond the control of Generations Christian Academy (GCA), including, but not limited to, natural disasters, civil disturbances, acts of terrorism, and wars. In the event that a student must return to GCA independently for reasons of health, accident, failure to conform to rules established by the teacher in charge, etc., we agree to accept full responsibility for and to pay for the cost of medical care, transportation and other incidental expenses. This permission slip also serves as a contract that the student and parent(s) understand and agree to the guidelines from each teacher as to making up missed assignments.


I hereby authorize Generation Christian Academy to publish the photographs and videos taken of my undersigned minor child for use in Generations Christian Academy printed publications, website, social media & training purposes. I release Generations Christian Academy from any expectation of confidentiality for the undersigned minor children and myself & attest that I am the parent or legal guardian of the child listed below and that I have the authority to authorize Generations Christian Academy to use their photographs & videos.

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Please check below IF your child has sensitivity to:
Please check below IF your child has:

If the student requires medication, I understand that I am obligated to ensure that the medication to be provided and the Medication Authorization Form are on file with the school. (If ordered by the student’s physician, an EpiPen must be provided for all field trips.) Rev. July 2010