Things to Do with Kids in Franklin, TN
Planning a vacation can be tricky, especially if you’re trying to balance kids’ activities, things to do with the extended family, and your own interests!
Welcome, GCA ’21-’22 Kindergarteners!
There is something EXTRA fun and special about the kindergartners starting up each year. So many fun memories ahead and some important foundations for their education
Back-to-School Night 2021
Generations Christian Academy students and their families enjoyed a fun Back-to-School kick-off night together on Friday, August. 6, 2021. It was a great night of meeting GCA teachers
Praying for the 2021-2022 School Year
Join the Generations Church family for a special Wednesday night service on Aug. 4, to hear a special message on education and the vision for Generations

GCA Teachers are the Best!
We LOVE our Generations Christian Academy team and are so thankful for each and every one of our teachers! GCA was honored to celebrate them during

First GCA Kindergarten Graduating Class May 2021
Our sweet Kinder graduates!!! We cannot believe this year has flown by so fast but we are SO PROUD of all these kiddos. What a

Free Community Easter Party
All are Welcome. Please join us on March 31 from 5-7 p.m. for a FREE community event to celebrate Easter. Join us for the fun which

Tooth Angel
Did you know that GCA has its own Tooth Angel? Our third grade teacher, Mrs. Courtney Campbell, is somewhat of a celebrity at our school. Not

Day of Prayer
#SchoolsThatPray While prayer is embedded in every part of the education at Generations Christian Academy, administrators and teachers scheduled extra time for prayer and for

Ramsey Has Arrived!
Generations Christian students enjoyed meeting the new mascot, Ramsey! We loved the smiles he brought to our students’ faces as they arrived at school. We look forward to

Generations Christian Students are Working Hard and Having Fun!
Generations Christian Academy students are working hard and having FUN! We believe it’s possible (and important) to do both! From word search to workbook pages

Generations Christian Students Vote – Jesus 2020!
Generations Christian students are staying in prayer over our country and no matter what happens, WE WILL NOT BE SHAKEN! WE KNOW WHERE OUR HOPE

First Field Trip for Generations Christian Academy Students and Staff
SUCH a fun day at Morning Glory Orchard! Our first GCA field trip—in the books! First GCA Field Trip!

Generations Christian Enables Students to Learn and Excel in Use of Technology
Information technology has brought a variety of changes to our world. Generations Christian Academy enables students to learn and excel in the use of age-appropriate, computer applications.

New School Year Brings New Friends for Students at Generations Christian Academy
This fall, PreK-8th grade students, from all over Williamson County, began their 2020-2021 school year together at Generations Christian Academy. In addition to starting a new

Why Christian Schooling
The choice you make for your children’s education shapes them academically, spiritually, and in their worldview and skills. At Christian schools, the faculty and staff

GCA Mission and Vision
Mission The mission of Generations Christian Academy is to provide an educational environment of excellence, hope and joy to empower students of all developmental categories to