As a working family with school-age children, finding reliable care for your child can be challenging! GCA partners with our families to provide a safe, quality, Christ-centered, biblically-directed before and after school program.
- Generations Christian Academy’s Before and After School Care programs are offered to PreK-3rd grade students who attend GCA.
- Students must be enrolled in the program(s) to be included in this service.
The program strives to meet the needs of every child helping them to develop strong friendships, learn more about what it means to be a child of God, strengthen what they learned during normal school hours and enjoy extended play time. The coordinator will work with the school’s schedule to ensure continuity of holiday activities, special events and theme-based programming.
After School Care Policies
It is our goal to work with families to provide a safe, enriching and fun environment for students before and after school. Please read our policies for a complete description of this service.
After School Care
- The program begins at 3:15 p.m. on days school is in session and ends at 5:30 p.m.
- Fee: $350/month payable on 1st of each month (August-April, May $175) or drop in for $20 per day.
- After School Care ends promptly at 5:30 pm. Beginning at 5:31 pm, GCA will assess a LATE FEE of $5 per minute, per child.
Students will be escorted to the After School Care program area at 3:15 p.m., and will be checked-in by either the Director or a staff member.