As a working family with school-age children, finding reliable care for your child can be challenging! GCA partners with our families to provide a safe, quality, Christ-centered, biblically-directed before and after school program.
- Generations Christian Academy’s Before and After School Care programs are offered to PreK-3rd grade students who attend GCA.
- Students must be enrolled in the program(s) to be included in this service.
After School Care Policies
It is our goal to work with families to provide a safe, enriching and fun environment for students before and after school. Please read our policies for a complete description of this service.After School Care
- The program begins at 3:15 p.m. on days school is in session and ends at 5:30 p.m.
- Fee: $350/month payable on 1st of each month (August-April). (May $175)
- After School Care ends promptly at 5:30 pm. Beginning at 5:31 pm, GCA will assess a LATE FEE of $5 per minute, per child.