GCA Mighty Rams - Code of Conduct
- Exemplify godly character, behavior and leadership at all times.
- Respect the integrity and personality of the individual athletes.
- Abide by and teach the rules of the game in letter and in spirit.
- Display modesty in victory and graciousness in defeat.
- Respect the integrity, judgment and authority of the officials. Show respect to the officials.
- Remember that you are at an athletic contest involving school students. They are not adults or professionals.
- Show respect for opposing players, coaches, spectators and cheerleaders.
- Respect the integrity, judgment and authority of the officials.
- Avoid personal contact with the officials.
- Avoid booing, taunting and sarcastic and personal comments directed at coaches, players and referees.
- Recognize and show appreciation for an outstanding play by either team.
- Refrain from yelling or waving objects at inappropriate times during the contest.
- Accept the responsibility of representing GCA.
- Treat opponents and teammates with self-control and respect.
- Avoid actions and words that demean or taunt opponents.
- Display modesty in victory and graciousness in defeat.
- Respect the integrity and judgment of the officials.
- Shake hands with opponents after the game. Treat the competition as a game, not a battle.