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Day of Prayer


While prayer is embedded in every part of the education at Generations Christian Academy, administrators and teachers scheduled extra time for prayer and for projects to learn more about prayer, as part of the annual #SchoolsThatPray day hosted by the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI).

(Click here to view photos of this very special day.)

Students spent time praying for others in their community, state, country and world using the ACTS acronym for prayer.

  • Adoration
  • Confession
  • Thanksgiving
  • Supplication

GCA students created prayer boxes.

Prayer for Military, a Prayer Wall & Flashlight Night
Kindergarteners prayed for our military leaders and their families. First graders made a prayer wall of all of the students’ prayers. They discussed how they can pray for each other and celebrate with each other when their prayers are answered. They also read the book Flashlight Night which discusses that even though we can’t always see our prayers in action, God always sees and knows them. They turned off the lights of their classroom, and they could no longer see their written prayers but they knew they were still on the wall. 

Upper Elementary and Middle Schoolers “Giving it to God” in Prayer
GCA is training older students to lead prayer and also mentor younger students in learning how to pray. As part of this prayer day, students led prayer groups with younger students.  

Also, this group of upper elementary and middle school students created prayer boxes (from Altoid boxes) that they will use throughout the year to write down their prayers and worries. “They have a lot going on socially and emotionally,” says one of their GCA teachers, “including the demands of school work which can all be overwhelming at times. They are learning when they start to feel anxious or worried, to write it down in a prayer and give it to God. Then they watch and see how God answers their prayers!”

Scriptures on Prayer
Each week, middle schoolers write down the verse of the week that they learn in chapel on Monday mornings. In conjunction with the #SchoolsThatPray initiative, they discussed what scripture says about prayer and what our Heavenly Father expects from us as his sons and daughters.

Join Us in Prayer
GCA invites you to join staff, faculty and students to pray for our school, our country and our world throughout the year and beyond.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6